Install FreeRadius On Debian 10
Posted on 2020-11-21 in how-to
本文假定系统为全新安装的 DEBIAN 10,正常安装DEBIAN,开启SSH,SUDO功能。 通过安装 FreeRadius 和 PostgreSQL,支持常规的安装。 本安装教程最主要的功能在于支持 H3C 的 802.1x,并且限制用户允许登录访问的设备数量。 TODO: 对客户端启用证书的功能待下次测试并完善
# apt install freeradius freeradius-postgresql postgresql postgresql-client
二、配置 PostgreSQL
切换至 postgres 用户,执行 psql
$ sudo -i -u postgres $ psql
通过 psql 创建数据库角色与数据库
>> CREATE ROLE radius LOGIN PASSWORD 'radpass'; >> CREATE DATABASE radius WITH owner = radius;
退出 postgres 用户,回到 recozo 用户环境
# cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql # psql -h localhost -U radius radius < schema.sql # psql -h localhost -U radius radius < setup.sql -- 如果执行了 CREATE ROLE 可以不执行
三、配置 FreeRadius 3 启用 sql
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/default --------------------EDIT-------------------- uncomment sql in authorize, accounting, session, post-auth section -------------------------------------------- # vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/inner-tunnel --------------------EDIT-------------------- uncomment sql in authorize, session, post-auth section -------------------------------------------- # vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/sql --------------------EDIT-------------------- sql { driver = "rlm_sql_postgresql" dialect = "postgresql" # Connection info: server = "localhost" port = 5432 login = "radius" password = "setup.sql中设置的口令" # Database table configuration for everything except Oracle radius_db = "radius" # Set to ‘yes’ to read radius clients from the database (‘nas’ table) # Clients will ONLY be read on server startup. read_clients = yes # Table to keep radius client info client_table = "nas" -------------------------------------------- # cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled # ln -s ../mods-available/sql sql # chown -h freerad:freerad /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/sql # cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql # vi rczmacsetup.sql --------------------ADD--------------------- /* * Table structure for table 'rczmaclimit' */ CREATE TABLE rczmaclimit ( UserName text PRIMARY KEY, MacLimit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, -- 0 Unlimited Remark text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); GRANT SELECT on rczmaclimit TO radius; /* * Table structure for table 'rczmaccheck' */ CREATE TABLE rczmaccheck ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, UserName text NOT NULL, CallingStationId text NOT NULL, AuthDate timestamp with time zone NOT NULL default now() ); create index rczmaccheck_UserName on rczmaccheck (UserName,CallingStationId); GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on rczmaccheck TO radius; GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE rczmaccheck_id_seq TO radius; /* * Stored Procedure for authorize_check_query */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rczmac_authorize_check(rczuserName TEXT, rczcallingStationId TEXT) RETURNS TABLE (id integer, UserName text, Attribute text, Value text, Op varchar(2)) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE isOk boolean DEFAULT false; tmpMacLimit integer; tmpMacTotal integer; BEGIN IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM rczmaccheck WHERE rczmaccheck.UserName = rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName AND rczmaccheck.CallingStationId = rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId ) THEN RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC已登记', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId; isOk = true; ELSE SELECT MacLimit INTO tmpMacLimit FROM rczmaclimit WHERE rczmaclimit.UserName = rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC上限无记录', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId; tmpMacLimit = 1; END IF; IF tmpMacLimit = 0 THEN RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC上限为0', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId; isOk = true; ELSE SELECT COUNT(*) INTO tmpMacTotal FROM rczmaccheck WHERE rczmaccheck.UserName = rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName; IF tmpMacLimit > tmpMacTotal THEN RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC未登记且未达到上限', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId; isOk = true; ELSE RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC达到上限禁止登录', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, rczmac_authorize_check.rczcallingStationId; isOk = false; END IF; END IF; END IF; RAISE LOG '用户: % 的MAC限制检查结果为: %', rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName, isOk; RETURN QUERY -- 如果 isOk 不通过,不返回用户检查项 SELECT, radcheck.UserName, radcheck.Attribute, radcheck.Value, radcheck.Op FROM radcheck WHERE radcheck.UserName = rczmac_authorize_check.rczuserName AND isOk ORDER BY id; END; $$; /* * Stored Procedure for post-auth-query */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE rczmac_post_auth(rczuserName TEXT, rczPass TEXT, rczReply TEXT, rczcallingStationId TEXT) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE tmpAuthDate timestamp DEFAULT now(); BEGIN INSERT INTO radpostauth(username, pass, reply, CallingStationId, authdate) VALUES (rczuserName, rczPass, rczReply, rczcallingStationId, tmpAuthDate); IF rczReply = 'Access-Accept' THEN IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM rczmaccheck WHERE rczmaccheck.UserName = rczmac_post_auth.rczuserName AND rczmaccheck.CallingStationId = rczmac_post_auth.rczcallingStationId ) THEN RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC已存在', rczmac_post_auth.rczuserName, rczmac_post_auth.rczcallingStationId; ELSE RAISE LOG '用户: % MAC: % ,MAC已新增', rczmac_post_auth.rczuserName, rczmac_post_auth.rczcallingStationId; INSERT INTO rczmaccheck(UserName, CallingStationId, AuthDate) VALUES (rczuserName, rczcallingStationId, tmpAuthDate); END IF; END IF; END; $$; -------------------------------------------- # psql -h localhost -U radius radius < rczmacsetup.sql # vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/queries.conf --------------------EDIT-------------------- # Authorization Queries authorize_check_query = "\ SELECT * FROM rczmac_authorize_check( \ '%{User-Name}', \ '%{Calling-Station-Id}')" # postauth_query - Insert some info after authentication post-auth { query = "CALL rczmac_post_auth( \ '%{User-Name}', \ '%{%{User-Password}:-Chap-Password}', \ '%{reply:Packet-Type}', \ '%{Calling-Station-Id}')" -------------------------------------------- # vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/inner-tunnel --------------------ADD--------------------- # # Look in an SQL database. The schema of the database # is meant to mirror the "users" file. # # See "Authorization Queries" in sql.conf update request { &Calling-Station-Id := outer.request:Calling-Station-Id } sql -------------------------------------------- # systemctl enable freeradius # systemctl restart freeradius
开二个终端,分别运行 FreeRadius 和 测试
# systemctl stop freeradius # freeradius -X
# psql -h localhost -U postgres radius radius=# insert into nas (nasname, shortname, secret, description) values ('', 'Short Name', 'secure secret', 'description'); -- 加入要允许访问的NAS设备信息 radius=# insert into radcheck (username,attribute,op,value) values('username', 'Cleartext-Password', ':=', 'password'); -- 加入要允许访问的用户信息 radius=# \q # radtest username password localhost 0 testing123
五、生成 eapol_test 工具并验证 eap (可选)
开二个终端,分别运行 FreeRadius 和 测试
# systemctl stop freeradius # freeradius -X
终端二首先生成 eapol_test
$ sudo apt install pkg-config $ sudo apt install build-essential $ sudo apt install libssl-dev $ sudo apt install libnl-genl-3-dev $ sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev $ wget $ tar -zxf wpa_supplicant-2.9.tar.gz $ cd wpa_supplicant-2.9/wpa_supplicant/ $ cp defconfig .config $ vi .config -------------------EDIT--------------------- CONFIG_EAPOL_TEST=y -------------------------------------------- $ make eapol_test /* 在全新安装的 Debian 11 中编译出错,原来在 Debian 10 下没有出错 */ /* */ /* 2022-01-05 */ $ mkdir ~/bin $ cp eapol_test ~/bin
继续在终端二测试 eap 功能
$ cd ~/bin $ vi eap-ttls-pap.conf -------------------ADD---------------------- network={ key_mgmt=WPA-EAP eap=TTLS identity="username" anonymous_identity="anonymous" password="password" phase2="auth=PAP" } -------------------------------------------- $ ./eapol_test -c eap-ttls-pap.conf -s testing123
六、生成 eap 证书(可选,但是强烈建议)
一般来说,802.1X 下建议使用自己的CA,生成自签名证书并将根证书安装在用户终端上。 如果用户终端不安装根证书或使用第三方证书的话,存在以下安全隐患: 1、不安装根证书时,存在伪造服务器的可能(创建一个同名SSID的无线,使用伪造的radius服务器),导致用户名与密码泄露; 2、如果启用 EAP-TLS 并使用第三方根证书的话,此时只要是该机构签发的用户证书均有效,导致用户证书不受控。 一般情况下这不是我们想要的结果;因此,如果要使用其它CA的证书,请仔细考虑清楚。
注意:debian 下的 freeradius 会自动对 EAP 使用 ssl-cert 所生成的 ssl-cert-snakeoil 证书。 该证书是基于debian的自签名证书,主要用于方便需要创建SSL证书的软件包安装, 如果 snakeoil 证书过期,可以使用以下命令重新生成 sudo make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite , 也就是不用进行证书生成操作,也可以保证 freeradius 支持 EAP。 不过在生产环境下不应该使用该证书,而应根据实际生成或使用对应的证书。 测试中发现在 debian 环境下的 freeradius -X 不会自动生成证书(这点似乎与freeradius 官方的说明不一致)。
# cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs # rm -f *.pem *.der *.csr *.crt *.key *.p12 serial* index.txt*
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/ca.cnf --------------------EDIT-------------------- [ CA_default ] default_days = 3600 [ req ] input_password = whateverCA output_password = whateverCA [certificate_authority] countryName = CN stateOrProvinceName = Jiangxi localityName = Pingxiang organizationName = Organization Name emailAddress = commonName = "XXXXXX Certificate Authority" -------------------------------------------- # make ca.pem # make ca.der
生成服务器证书(countryName, stateOrProvinceName, localityName 要与根证书一致??)
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/server.cnf --------------------EDIT-------------------- [ CA_default ] default_days = 3600 [ req ] input_password = whateverSVR output_password = whateverSVR [server] countryName = CN stateOrProvinceName = Jiangxi localityName = Pingxiang organizationName = Organization Name emailAddress = commonName = "XXXXXX Server Certificate" -------------------------------------------- # make server.pem
修改 eap 配置以使用新创建的证书
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/eap --------------------EDIT-------------------- tls-config tls-common { private_key_password = whateverSVR private_key_file = ${cadir}/server.key certificate_file = ${cadir}/server.pem ca_file = ${cadir}/ca.pem } -------------------------------------------- # chown freerad:freerad server.key # chown freerad:freerad server.pem # chown freerad:freerad ca.pem # systemctl restart freeradius
七、在 H3C 设备上配置 Radius 并启用(无线)802.1x
八、配置终端的 802.1x 访问
windows 下配置无线