Django 学习
Posted on 2022-01-01 in django
1. Introduction to Django
Scaffolding a Django Project and App
$ startproject myprojectname . $ python manage runserver $ python manage startapp myappname
Model View Template
- Models
- Django models define the data for your application and provide an abstraction layer to SQL database access through an Object Relational Mapper (ORM).
- Views
- A Django view is where most of the logic for your application is defined. A view is a function that you write that will receive a request in the form of a Python object (specifically, a Django HttpRequest object).Your view must return an HttpResponse object that encapsulates all the information being provided to the client.
- Templates
- A template is a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file (usually – any text file can be a template) that contains special placeholders that are replaced by variables your application provides.
Introduction to HTTP
Processing a Request
- Match request against URL Routes -- Django
- Call view method with HttpRequest Object -- Your Code
- Perform logic inside view method -- Your Code
- Return HttpResponse object -- Your Code
- Send response to client -- Django
Django Project
As the name suggests, this is a script that is used to manage your Django project. some of the more common ones are listed here:
- runserver
- startapp
- shell
- dbshell
- makemigrations
- migrate
- test
- The myproject Directory
- This is the actual Python package for your project. It contains settings for the project, some configuration files for your web server, and the global URL maps.
- Django Development Server
By default, the server listens on port 8000 on localhost (
python3 runserver 8001 python3 runserver
Django Apps
An app directory contains all the models, views, and templates (and more) that they need to provide application functionality.
python3 startapp myapp
Inside the app directory are several files and a folder :
- migrations
View Details
URL Mapping Detail
GET, POST, and QueryDict Objects
Django automatically parses these parameter strings into QueryDict objects. The data is then available on the HttpRequest object that is passed to your view—specifically, in the HttpRequest.GET and HttpRequest.POST attributes, for URL parameters and body parameters respectively. QueryDict objects are objects that mostly behave like dictionaries, except that they can contain multiple values for a key. Code snippets
qd = QueryDict('k=a&k=b&k=c') qd[k'] qd.get('k') qd.getlist('k')
Exploring Django Settings
Django has more settings available that aren't listed in the file, and so it will use its built-in defaults in these cases. You can also use the file to set arbitrary settings that you make up for your application. Third-party applications might want settings to be added here as well.
Using Settings in Your Code
from django.conf import settings # import settings from here instead if settings.DEBUG: do_some_logging()
When importing settings from django.conf, Django mitigates the three issues we just discussed:
- Settings are read from whatever Django settings file has been specified.
- Any default settings values are interpolated.
- Django takes care of parsing any settings defined by a third-party library.
Finding HTML Templates in App Directories
Django will look in this (and in other apps' templates directories) because of APP_DIRS being True in the file
Rendering a Template with the render Function
render takes at least two arguments: the first is always the request that was passed to the view, and the second is the name/relative path of the template being rendered. We will also call it with a third argument, the render context that contains all the variables that will be available in the template
Rendering Variables in Templates
To render a variable in a template, simply wrap it with braces: {{ book_name }}. Django will automatically escape HTML in output so that you can include special characters (such as < or >) in your variable without worrying about it garbling your output. If a variable is not passed to a template, Django will simply render nothing at that location, instead of throwing an exception.
Debugging and Dealing with Errors
- Exceptions
Exceptions are raised (or thrown in other languages) when an error occurs. Some common exceptions that you might see:
- IndentationError
- SyntaxError
- NameError
- KeyError
- IndexError
- TypeError
This chapter was a quick introduction to Django. You first got up to speed on the HTTP protocol and the structure of HTTP requests and responses. We then saw how Django uses the MVT paradigm, and then how it parses a URL, generates an HTTP request, and sends it to a view to get an HTTP response. We scaffolded the Bookr project and then created the reviews app for it. We then built two example views to illustrate how to get data from a request and use it when rendering templates. You should have experimented to see how Django escapes output in HTML when rendering a template.
2. Model and Migrations
Django ORM
Database Configuration and Creating Django Applications
Django Apps
A Django project can have multiple apps that often act as discrete entities. That's why, whenever required, an app can be plugged into a different Django project as well.
Django Migration
the transformation of Python code into database structures is known as migration.
python migrate
Creating Django Models and Migrations
A Django model is essentially a Python class that holds the blueprint for creating a table in a database. The file can have many such models, and each model transforms into a database table. The attributes of the class form the fields and relationships of the database table as per the model definitions.
Field Types
Field Options
Django has many more field types and field options that can be explored from the extensive official Django documentation. Execute the following command in the shell or terminal to migrate the Django models into the database
python makemigrations appname
The makemigrations <appname> command creates the migration scripts for the given app; When we run makemigrations without the app name, the migration scripts will be created for all the apps in the project. The following command, when run in the shell or terminal, will show the status of model migrations throughout the project
python showmigrations
Next, let's understand how Django transforms a model into an actual database table
python sqlmigrate appname migrationscript
Primary Keys
Since the migration script has already been created by executing makemigrations, let's now migrate the newly created model in the app by executing the following command
python migrate app
Many to One
publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Many to Many
contributors = models.ManyToManyField('Contributor', through='BookContributor')
through: This is a special field option for many-to-many relationships. When we have a many-to-many relationship across two tables, if we want to store some extra information about the relationship, then we can use this to establish the relationship via an intermediary table. When the through field option is not provided while establishing a many-to-many relationship, Django automatically creates an intermediary table to manage the relationship.
One-to-One Relationships
person = models.OneToOneField(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Model Methods
In Django, we can write methods inside a model class. These are called model methods and they can be custom methods or special methods that override the default methods of Django models. One such method is __str__(). This method returns the string representation of the Model instances and can be especially useful while using the Django shell.
Django's Database CRUD Operations
To execute the CRUD operations, we will enter Django's command-line shell by executing the following command:
python shell
- Exercise 2.02: Creating an Entry in the Bookr Database
- In this exercise, you created an entry in the database by creating an instance of the model object and used the save() method to write the model object into the database. the changes(update) to the class instance are not saved until the save() method is called.
- Exercise 2.03: Using the create() Method to Create an Entry
- Invoke the create() method to create an object in the database in a single step. Ensure that you pass all the required parameters
- Exercise 2.04: Creating Records for a Many-to-One Relationship
- In this exercise, we learned that while creating a database record, an object can be assigned to a field if it is a foreign key.
- Exercise 2.05: Creating Records with Many-to-Many Relationships
- use the relationship to create the objects, we can use through_default to pass in a dictionary with the parameters defining the required fields.
- Exercise 2.07: Using the get() Method to Retrieve an Object
- In this exercise, we learned how to fetch a single object using the get() method. There are several disadvantages to using this method, though. It is important to note that the get() method can only fetch one object. If there is another object carrying the same value as the field mentioned, then we can expect a 'returned more than one' error message. We can also get a 'matching query does not exist' error message when there are no objects returned from the get() query. The get() method can be used with any of the object's fields to retrieve a record.
- Exercise 2.08: Using the all() Method to Retrieve a Set of Objects
- In this exercise, we learned how to retrieve all the objects using the all() method and we also learned how to use the retrieved set of objects as a list.
- Exercise 2.09: Using the filter() Method to Retrieve Objects
In this exercise, we saw the use of filters to retrieve a set of a few objects filtered by a certain condition. Now, let's suppose we want to filter and query a set of objects using the object's fields by providing certain conditions. In such a case, we can use what is called a double-underscore lookup( __gt, __gte, __lt, __lte, __contains, __icontains, __startswith, etc).
we can use the exclude() method to exclude a certain condition and fetch all the required objects.
We can retrieve a list of objects while ordering by a specified field, using the order_by() method. We can also use a prefix with the negative sign for the field parameter to order results in descending order.
Yet another useful method offered by Django is values(). It helps us get a query set of dictionaries instead of objects.
Now let's study how to perform queries across relationships. There are several ways to go about this, such as Querying Using Foreign Keys, Querying Using Model Name (written in lowercase) , Querying Across Foreign Key Relationships Using the Object Instance.
- Exercise 2.10: Querying Across a Many-to-Many Relationship Using Field Lookup
- In this exercise, we learned how to perform queries across many-to-many relationships using field lookup.
Exercise 2.11: A Many-to-Many Query Using Objects
Exercise 2.12: A Many-to-Many Query Using the set() Method
Exercise 2.13: Using the update() Method
Exercise 2.14: Using the delete() Method
we learned about Django models, migrations, and how they help propagate the changes to the Django models in the database.
We shored up our knowledge of databases by learning about database relationships, and their key types, in relational databases. We also worked with the Django shell, where we used Python code to perform the same CRUD queries we performed earlier using SQL. Later, we learned how to retrieve our data in a more refined manner using pattern matching and field lookups.
3. URL Mapping, Views, and Templates
4. Introduction to Django Admin
Creating a Superuser Account
Enter the following command to create a superuser:
python createsuperuser
Visit the admin app at and log in with the superuser account that you have created.
CRUD Operations Using the Django Admin App
Users and Groups
In this chapter, we saw how to create superusers through the Django command line and how to use them to access the admin app. After a brief tour of the admin app's basic functionality, we examined how to register our models with it to produce a CRUD interface for our data.
Then we learned how to refine this interface by modifying site-wide features. We altered how the admin app presents model data to the user by registering custom model admin classes with the admin site. This allowed us to make fine-grained changes to the representation of our models' interfaces. These modifications included customizing change list pages by adding additional columns, filters, date hierarchies, and search bars. We also modified the layout of the model admin pages by grouping and excluding fields.
5. Serving Static Files
Django provides tools for serving static assets with its development server during development. When your application goes to production, it can also collect all your assets and copy them to a folder for a dedicated web server to host. This allows you to keep your static files segregated in a meaningful way during development and automatically bundle them for deployment.
This functionality is provided by Django's built-in staticfiles app. It adds several useful features for working with and serving static files:
- The static template tag to automatically build the static URL for an asset and include it in your HTML.
- A view (called static) that serves static files in development.
- Static file finders to customize where assets are found on your filesystem.
- The collectstatic management command, which finds all static files and moves them into a single directory for deployment.
- The findstatic management command, which shows which static file on disk is loaded for a particular request. This also helps to debug if a particular file is not being loaded.
6. Forms
What is a form?
A form is made up of inputs that define key-value pairs of data to submit to the server. Each input in the form has a name, and this is how its data is identified on the server-side (in a Django view). There can be multiple inputs with the same name, whose data is available in a list containing all the posted values with this name.
The CSRF token must be added into the HTML for every form being sent and is done with the {% csrf_token %} template tag. The CSRF token is unique to every visitor on the site and periodically changes.
These are request.GET , which contains parameters passed in the URL, and request.POST , which contains parameters in the HTTP request body.
- All values are sent as text, even number and date inputs.
- For the select inputs, the selected value attributes of the selected options are sent, not the text content of the option tag.
- If you select multiple options for books_you_own , then you will see multiple values in the request. This is why we use the getlist method since multiple values are sent for the same input name.
- If the checkbox was checked, you will have a checkbox_on input in the debug output. If it was not checked, then the key will not exist at all (that is, there is no key, instead of having the key existing with an empty string or None value).
- We have a value for the name submit_input , which is the text Submit Input . You submitted the form by clicking the Submit Input button, so we receive its value. Notice that no value is set for the button_element input since that button was not clicked.
- The most important is deciding whether or not the request should be idempotent.
- Another point to consider is that Django only applies CSRF projection to POST requests.
- If sending form data with a GET request, the form parameters will be visible in the URL.
- the maximum length of a URL allowed by a browser can be short compared to the size of a POST body – sometimes only around 2,000 characters (or about 2 KB) compared to many megabytes or gigabytes that a POST body can be
The Django Forms library allows you to quickly define a form using a Python class. This is done by creating a subclass of the base Django Form class. You can then use an instance of this class to render the form in your template and validate the input data.
You define a class that inherits from the django.forms.Form class. The class has attributes, which are instances of different django.forms.Field subclasses.
When rendered, the attribute name in the class corresponds to its input name in HTML. To give you a quick idea of what fields there are, some examples are CharField , IntegerField , BooleanField , ChoiceField , and DateField . Each field generally corresponds to one input when rendered in HTML, but there's not always a one-to-one mapping between a form field class and an input type. Form fields are more coupled to the type of data they collect rather than how they are displayed.
To illustrate this, consider a text input and a password input. They both accept some typed-in text data, but the main difference between them is that the text is visibly displayed in a text input, whereas with a password input the text is obscured. In a Django form, both of these fields are represented using CharField . The difference in how they are displayed is set by changing the widget the field is using.
Django defines a number of Widget classes that define how a Field should be rendered as HTML. They inherit from django.forms.widgets.Widget . A widget can be passed to the Field constructor to change how it is rendered.
Django does not add the <form> element or submit button(s) for you when rendering the template; you should add these around where your form is placed in the template. The form can be rendered like any other variable.
We will now look at the other part of what makes Django forms useful: their ability to automatically validate the form and then retrieve native Python objects and values from them.
In Django, a form can either be unbound or bound. These terms describe whether or not the form has had the submitted POST data sent to it for validation.A form is bound if it is called with some data to be used for validation, such as the POST data. A bound form allows us to start using built-in validation-related tools: first, the is_valid method to check the form's validity, then the cleaned_data attribute on the form, which contains the values converted from strings to Python objects.
The cleaned_data attribute is only available after the form has been cleaned, which means the process of "cleaning up" the data and converting it from strings to Python objects. The cleaning process runs during the is_valid call. You will get AttributeError raised if you try to access cleaned_data before calling is_valid .
note that unlike when we iterated over all of the POST data, cleaned_data only contains form fields. The other data (such as the CSRF token and the submit button that was clicked) is present in the POST QueryDict but is not included as it does not include form fields.
- required
- max_length
- min_length
- max_value
- min_value
- max_digits
- decimal_places
This chapter was an introduction to forms in Django. We introduced some HTML inputs for entering data onto a web page. We talked about how data is submitted to a web application and when to use GET and POST requests. We then looked at how Django's form classes can make generating the form HTML simpler, as well as allowing the automatic building of forms using models.